11 June, 2012


Yesterday Anna and crew went out for a coupla hours and dinner. Today, she's going in to work for a while just to get her feet wet and to get outta the house.

I can't help but think that were we at re-fac, today would be, "This is the way we wipe our butt, wipe our butt.. This is the way we wipe our butt first thing in the morning." day. FYI, you hot-lining butthurt lil' bitch, she's already dressing herself, bathing herself and wiping her own butt. AND she's getting her meds on time and her sugar is under better control now than when she was in hospital.

And speaking of butthurt trouble makers, it had to be someone affiliated with the hospital, because one of her meds was mentioned BY NAME in the report. The med that NOBODY around here carries on a regular basis.

That's pretty much the weekend summary. Of course Anna's bored to tears, but after that last month, I'm ready for some boring. So we just be chillin' at da crib 'til Friday when we go get our nuke on.

Later, taters..


Anonymous said...

Hey son it's good to hear my girl is getting out and feels like getting her finger back in operation. When you find out the trouble-maker's name give them HWLL. Don't know but what I wouldn't sue them.Take care and give her a big hug and kisses from me okay?? Thought about coming up but will wait until you let us know. Do want to get your chair up to you. Love both bunches and bunches. MOM

Anonymous said...

Hey son go to the department that issued the complaint and request the name of the person who did the reporting. Then sue them.
Keep us informed about Anna okay?
Love you both bunches and bunches MOM

Anonymous said...

Glad she is making such progress! Sounds like being home and be able to do some of her regular routine is the best medicine!! Barbara T.