04 June, 2012


Basically that's what's going on, we're being stored here 'til we can get into re-fac. There's a place up here that will take her, but only as a hospital transfer. And only for 2 weeks. And only after all the Medicaid and SSDI applications and accompanying paper work are submitted to to the Feral Gubmint leviathan for approval. One piece of good news, cancer cases get fast tracked, so it should only take months instead of years to process. Whoo hoo....

Found out that S.E.MO. hospital re-fac would take us, but their multi-gazillion dollar, state of the art, shiny bauble along side of I-55 cancer treatment center is much like a Whopper - Looks real pretty in the ads, but when you want it, it ain't all that. It's all for the best, she'll get better care here than anywhere within 500 miles. I must be slipping and letting my emotions and not my logic guide my thinking to even consider going anywhere but here.

If I can help her hold it together 'til we get to re-fac and outta here, it'll be better. Because she's only been able to grasp what's going on for the last 4-5 days, during which very little "treatment-wise" has gone on, she doesn't know why we have to be cooped up in this room. She doesn't realize everything that went on in the previous 2 weeks that got her back to where she is now, or just how deep in the kimchee she actually was.

They discontinued the I.V. today, but she still has the central line just in case the S.H.T.F.

That's it for today. Tomorrow I spend in the phone rounding up paperwork and sorting out bills.



Anonymous said...

From your previous posts it sounds like there are only bumbling idiots at Barnes. It seems like you know way more than they do, so why are you thinking they are so great now?

FORGER - The Ol' Man said...

Just a handful of idiots, but their idiocy is so monumental it it close to what I call "Black Hole Stupid" - Stupidity, or in this case idiocy, so intense any intelligence, or competence, that gets too close is sucked in and is doomed to oblivion.