29 May, 2012


Docs started rolling in shortly after 0600, mostly just checking in. They took her down to check her picc line and replace a stitch that had came out.

Diabetes Doc stopped by to see how well and how much she's eating. It's harder to control when she is NPO one day not the next. She's back on regular diet 'til midnight then back to NPO because the plan is to place the stent tomorrow.

Occupational Therapy came by and we got her to sit on the edge of the bed for a while and to stand for a minute or so. I got a list of exercises for her to do to rebuild arm strength, and I'm to get her to sit up on edge of bed while she eats,so we'll see how that goes at lunch.

That's about it for now, more Docs are making their rounds, so I'll do updates as I find out more.

UPDATE - Just paid a coupla hundred bucks for an arrogant, "Shut up, I'm God" doc to come in for 90 seconds, look at her ass and tell me nothing I didn't already know. And the jerk didn't even look at her bum, Dr. Trainee Barbie* did. They were looking for indications of bed sores. I tried telling Dr. Hot Shit that a skin care nurse was in earlier this AM looking for that very thing, but I guess when you're omnipotent you don't need information or to consult the chart for that day. Probably a liberal to boot.

As His Royal Big Shotness left, Dr. Trainee Barbie started babbling about what was going on, I quickly ran down the list she was trying to give me, so she turned and left. I think some of these docs see a guy that looks and sounds like some hillbilly and figure I ain't too bright. But I'd put money down that my IQ can whup their IQ. I remember the same reaction when I came up here for college - "Damn, hillbilly, talk faster. Screw you city boy, listen slower."

(*I think Dr. Trainee Barbie and I got off on the wrong foot. The first time she showed up, sometime during the exam she decided that the pad under Anna needed to come out. So she grabs the bottom of it and starts jerking the hell out of it trying to pull it from underneath Anna. I asked her, "What are you trying to do?" "I'm getting this pad out." There's an easier way to do it. "Well, this is how we do it in the ER."

Does her momma know she's playing doctor??

So as I stepped between her and Anna and took over the operation I explained, "I don't know what ER you worked in, but in all the rest of 'em you would be getting chewed out for aggravating any possible spinal injury. Even when spinal injury has been ruled out, it's easier on the patient to do it this way" which I then demonstrated. Roll patient to one side, roll up the old, roll up half of the new and put it under, then roll other way and remove old and roll out new.

And even trainee docs don't like being told they're wrong, ESPECIALLY by some country fried sumbitch.)

UPDATE - Another diabetes doc stopped by, nothing new there. Physical therapy stopped by, wanted her to do the same tricks as occ. therapy. What's the point of having two different departments, doing the same thing and sending me two different bills?? Nevermind, answered my own question.

Anesthesiologist stopped by to get briefed on Anna's surgical history and tolerance of anesthesia. Said something about the possibility of being moved to a surgical floor after the stent placement, but then said we're on a surgical floor that also happens to be an oncology floor. Seeing how she's getting surgery and needs cancer treatment, why not just leave her here? Besides, the surgical floor probably has a stunning view of the back side of the a/c plant....

Social worker came by to take an application for this, that and the other kind of aid for which we'll get turned down yet again. Someone explain to me how somebody who can truly use help gets shot down every time, but some filthy crack whore ghetto brood sow with a litter of future delinquents can get thousands of dollars a month in aid?? I'm thinking the standard reply of "too much money" is code for "too white".

What, me bitter and cynical??


Ricki Ing said...

I have been following Anna's journey. She's a tough cookie, so I know she'll get in charge of this nasty business and come back strong. My best to her for a complete, speedy recovery. And John, she is lucky to have you. Give her lots of hugs from me. Ricki Ing

FORGER - The Ol' Man said...

Hi, Ricki. I read your comment to Anna and she sez thanks and hi.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates, Anna is in our thoughts and prayers.. Tell her we say hello and hope she's 100% ASAP!!! We will keep checking for updates.

Dana & Mel Lindsey

Anonymous said...

Hey, Anna!! Sounds like you are in great hands with your "hillbilly" by your side to keep everyone on their toes. That's what you need these days - a patient advocate who knows what's going on and who keeps the docs from screwing up. From one "hillbilly" to another, great job John!!! Love to you both!!
Roy and Debbie Shanks

Anonymous said...

Hey Anna & John!! Sounds like you have been put through it all. Please know that you are in my thoughts & prayers. The rest of the Ballard/Tettleton bunch are pulling for you too! If my memory serves me Anna doesn't stop till she wins the fight! Stay strong you two!
Love ya,
Jammie Clemons