30 May, 2012


After shuffling the schedule, we went from first up to getting started about 3.5 hours later than we were told. She finally went back @ about 1230. The procedure went well and the clot is covered. It took a little longer than usual to wrap up because of the heparin, they had to hold pressure on the incision site longer to stop the bleeding. She was already awake when I got to go to the recovery room and was ready to go back to the room quicker than expected. Now I get to fight with her to keep her leg flat 'til midnight to prevent possible clotting or bleeding.

Of course the usual caveats apply, but the risk is low and outweighed by other concerns. Now, just keep your fingers crossed that her foot and toes recover from the circulation problems.

Still on NPO thru tomorrow AM, scheduled for a PET Scan to get the lay of the land before starting treatment for the Endometrial Cancer.

Dr. Dago*, the doc who was here when Anna was admitted, just came in and pulled her PICC line. I knew it ran from her mid-upper arm all the way to her right atrium, but when you actually see how long that thing running thru her vein is, DAAAAMN!!

(*Before you get your PC-thong in a knot, know three things -

1: I ain't PC, and anybody that thinks I'm racist or afraid of words don't know me very well. If you let professional race-baiters and grievance-mongers use words and beliefs as cudgels to bludgeon you into submission, you're doing it wrong.

2: When I saw her last name on her ID, it was the first pseudonym to pop in my head, and in case you haven't noticed, the names have been changed to protect the privacy of the staff.

And C: The area that I can see from the window where you'll find some if the best food in St. Louis ain't called "Dago Hill" cause it's populated with Swedes...)

Let's hope tomorrow goes smoother than today... G'nite.


Anonymous said...

John, Since they took out Anna's PICC line, does that mean they won't be doing chemo for a while? We are so thankful they have the clot under control and we are looking forward to hearing the results of the PET scan. Keep up the great work on the blog! Give Anna our love - we pray that both of you will rest well tonight. Roy and Debbie Shanks

Anonymous said...

Words just fail me (and you know me-that's saying a lot). I will be checking in here every day. Please give Anna my love & tell her we're thinking of her-and we'll be sparing a little love & thoughts for you.
love ya both-
Jodi & Crew

FORGER - The Ol' Man said...

They put a more functional central line into the side of her neck in OR so the PICC was redundant.

At initial Rad. Dept. consult, they said she'll just be getting radiation from implanted and external sources and not chemo.

She won't have to deal w/ the nasty side effects of chemo, she's already gone thru enough without having to hurl her guts up and losing her hair.

Anonymous said...

John.... Have they said anything about how bad or maybe not so bad the cancer is!?!

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard anything from you as yet on how my girl is doing!!
Guess no news is good news???
Take care son and know that I'm thinking about you both with lots of prayers going on down here for both of you. Love ya bunches!!!! MOM