Not much to report today, Coupla docs stopped by this AM to check in. Anna asked one since nothing is happening until we get a re-fac placement, why couldn't she spend the time at home. The doc asked me if I could care for her there, and I said yes. I take the fact that he didn't say, "I don't think so Tim" as a good sign that it might be possible.
I don't see why not, she's only being warehoused here now. No more treatment is being done until radiation starts on the 15th. The only reason she still has an I.V. is to keep the central line open, and it's a hell of a lot cheaper to sit on our bums at home.
First Date = First time we have gotten outta the room without poking, prodding and testing waiting at the end of the trip. We boosted a wheelchair, ditched the I.V. for a little while and went cruisin'. Stopped by the cafeteria for a bite and took a ride all the way over to Wash U. and back.
Being Sunday, we pretty much had the whole joint to our selves. Compared to a weekday this place is deserted, we only saw 8-10 people the whole trip. It did us both good to get out of the room and have some time alone to do what we wanted.
That's about it for today, hopefully tomorrow we can get the ball rolling on some home time and finding a re-fac.
Later, taters.
I don't know if you got my text. Tell Anna we love her and the kids plan to overwhelm her with hugs and kisses when they get to see her. They ask about her everyday. They also have a LOT of pictures they have made for her. Love u both!
Cara Pearl
She didn't look very happy bout the first pic.. *L* It's good to see you guys tho, and again, we miss her, and thanks keeping us updated John!!
Great to see these pics Anna! Love you bunches and keeping you in my prayers!
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