10 August, 2012


OK, I know I haven't updated in a while, but when it's S.S.D.D., it gets kinda boring... I mean do you really wanna read, "Went to St. Louis, got Nuked, stopped @ Jack In The Box, came home. Went to St. Louis, got Nuked, stopped @ Jack In The Box, came home. Went to St. Louis, got Nuked, stopped @ White Castle, came home. Went to St. Louis, got Nuked, stopped @ Captain D's, came home." over and over again??

Yeah, that's what I thought.

I didn't feel like writing it either.

So here's a quickie on what's up - Meet with Infectious Disease Doc on Monday for I.V. antibiotics check. Only a couple more Nuke treatments to go, meet w/ The Wizard of Rads Tuesday A.M.. Meet with Gyno/Oncology and the Diabeetus (as Wilfred Brimley sez..) folks on the 22nd to get the 411 on if further cancer treatments are needed and to see how the new insulin regimen is doing.

Foot healing nicely. Doc Foot thinks it's better to continue the current treatment regimen and let it heal on it's own instead of doing a skin graft and having to have TWO places to treat while healing. She's still wheelchair bound and down for now, but we're gettin' the hang of it*. See him again on 05 SEPT.

So that's pretty much what's been goin' on, so now we start working on getting the rehab that Anna needs and I get to go back to school next Thursday. I hate sticking a sub bus driver with the last week of school, (not really, but it sounds good..) but sticking a sub with the first few days of school is inhumane.

Besides I got a BRAND NEW 2013 BUS this year!! To paraphrase TEAM AMERICA - "New Bus - FUCK YEAH!!!" Only 920 miles on it, and I'll have to learn where all the buttons are on the way to the first stop.

What could possibly go wrong ??? Turns out it's Bus #14 - Anna sez Dad drove Bus #14 back in the day, so I'll take that as a good omen.

Now for something completely different - I found this @ Ace Of Spades, and if you don't find something in this video that you think is beautiful and something that stirs your spirit, you are a soulless bastard that I prolly don't care to know. The girl, the music, the video it's ALL fantastic.

If your computer and sound system will handle it, set the video for Hi-Def 1080p and crank it up to 11...

(I want to thank Billy G. and his family for all they have done for us during this. Bill drives a Big Rig and took some of his limited time @ home w/ his family to come over and build us a wheelchair ramp for the front door, and has made extra on the grill and brought it over to us so we have had dinner waiting when we get home after an especially long, tiring day.

I don't have the words to express how much these things have meant to us other than THANK YOU and we love you guys.


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